How To Prepare For Your Dream Career While You’re In The Job You Have Now #hr
Build the resume for the job you want by taking a strategic approach and using the resources in the job you’re in now.
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Part I – Measuring ROI
As a service professional, it is important to understand how you are going to measure your social media marketing campaigns. Seeing the business value and return on investment (ROI) from your social media marketing is the difference between effectively integrating social media into your marketing mix and playing on Facebook and Twitter all day.
For social media marketing ROI success, your first step should be to conduct demographic research to identify which social sites your target market is using. Your next step should be to set goals with clearly defined levels of success.
While managing your small business marketing on your own, you have come across the word metric a number of times. All a metric is, is a standard unit of measurement or the way we measure something. Your small business social media marketing metrics should be thought of in two categories. On-site – activity that takes place directly on your website- and off-site, activity that happens on other sites (or locations) where you and your target market/customers interact.
Basic on-site metrics to measure small business social media marketing efforts
ROI: How much money are your social media marketing efforts contributing to your business? Is the cost of your investment smaller than the value you are receiving? Remember cost is not always financial; think of your time as a cost as well.
To effectively measure your social media marketing, you need a decent analytics package that allows you to track certain actions taken on your website like, completes a lead form, makes a purchase or downloads an e-book. In order to keep track of visitors who have taken certain actions, you need to label them so that you can trace that visitor back to the website that sent them to you. That website is called the referrer. Tracing your website visitors back to where they came from lets you evaluate the effectiveness of each source.
A recent trend happening on Facebook right now is the debut of Facebook polls. As a small business owner this is a great opportunity to add this to your social media marketing arsenal should be using this new tool to reach out to your followers and see what their hot buttons are. You can then show them the value of the services your business specializes in and how it relates to the areas that are important to them.
What kind of questions should you ask? Try to refrain from asking yes or no questions. Instead, ask questions that users would actually answer and that pertain to their everyday lives. For example, if you are in the chiropractic business, you can have a poll such as:
My latest chiropractic experience was:
- Awful, I’m still in pain and I’m still paying for the bill
- Alright, but not great – I’m looking for a new chiropractor
- Average, I have no complaints but it doesn’t stand out in my mind
- Amazing, I have already booked my next appointment
- Other (explain)
The main component I look for at my chiropractor is:
- Friendly staff that care about my treatment
- Fast service, short wait times
- Clean environment, including the waiting room
- Complimentary services, including coffee, massage chairs and my choice of music
- All of the above
Once you have your poll out in the blogosphere for a while, you are then able to view the results. You will get a list of the participants who answered your poll question and ranking of all of the answers. This should help your business narrow down any issues your customers are currently having as well as find out what is important to potential customers.
Some quick tips:
- Put a hard deadline on your poll to increase traffic “Answer by the end of the week!”
- Make sure your poll question(s) relates to your business so that you can use the results to improve your business
- Don’t overload your Facebook followers with polls. One per week is enough.
As a small business owner your ultimate goal is to grow your business. The way you do that is by reaching out to as much of your target market as you can and connecting with them in a way that relates to their needs and wants. No matter who your target market is, consumers are searching for the products and services they want online.
To get more clients, small business owners are making the shift from costly outbound methods to more effective and measurable methods that focus on building relationships with consumers and turning those relationships into a loyal customer-base. This has allowed small business owners to get found by the customers who need them and ultimately get more clients. Are you part of this select group of small business owners who have become serious about their marketing? If so, here are a few tips for you to use to join those who believe in smart marketing for smart business.
Blog for small business – An industry-related blog can be a game changer for your small business. If you’re not blogging, you’re in the minority and your customers are being pulled onto your competitors’ websites. For more information on how to get started blogging for small business, download our free e-book.
Promote your small business with Social Media – Have something to say that will help your target market and add value to their lives? Use your social media networks to spread the word quickly. Download our free report to see why you need social media for your small business.
Webinars for small business – Host informative webinars and stay in touch with the latest best practices in your industry. For more ideas on how to host webinars that are useful to your target market, you’re invited to attend our weekly webinar. Every Tuesday we host a live webinar that teaches internet marketing basics to grow your business.
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